Everyone loves a good deal, especially one that could save them some amount of money. You are considering buying a used car battery, probably cash is tight, or you do not plan to hold on to the car for long. But you wonder if a second-hand car battery is worth it. You're about to find out.
Is It Good To Buy A Used Car Battery?
There are three things to look out for when purchasing a second-hand battery.
1. The first is the age of the battery.
When you are looking to buy a used battery, check the date stamp on the battery. This date stamp indicates when exactly the battery was made. Note that the date stamps aren’t written in the usual “dd/mm/yy” format. So you’ve got to learn how to interpret it.
The month on the stamp is written as a capital letter A to L format; A represents January, B represents February and L represents December. Do you get the drift? The alphabet is then followed by a one or two-digit number representing the year. The year 2019 could be written as 19 or as 9. That is, a battery made in April 2019 may either carry the stamp D19 or D9. Why is it important to know the manufacture date?
Knowing the manufacture date gives you a foggy idea of how long the battery has been in use. According to an earlier article in this blog, an average battery will last between three to five years before failing. Goes without saying that the younger a battery is, the safer it is to purchase it.
2. Second, look out for signs of corrosion.
When you see ‘second-hand battery for sale’ anywhere, always circumspectly examine the item for corrosion and leaks. While leaks are complete danger signs, corrosions are even more indicative of severe inoperability. If you see orange or green rust around terminals, steer away quickly.
A new car battery could have some dirt or debris around it due to road salt but shouldn't have severe rust. Again, if you see serious corrosion on the battery, run!
3. Lastly, inquire about warranty.
Do well to ask the seller what warranty is in place on the battery. Some used parts vendors offer a warranty on their products. If they don't provide any warranty on the battery, you’ll just have to trust your intuition.
Where Do I Buy Second Hand Car Batteries?
Finding trustworthy sellers is the issue here, as there are numbers of places to find second-hand batteries. Below are places to look when in need of a used car battery.
1. Mechanics or Auto Repair Shops
This option allows you to meet the seller and inspect the battery. Most times, repair shops keep parts of condemned vehicles for use on other cars or most likely for sale. In worst-case scenarios, where the mechanics or repairers don't have used batteries to sell, they refer you to places where you can find one.
2. Junkyards and Wreckers
Most junkyards inspect the vehicles in their possession for useful parts before wrecking the rest of the car. This option allows you to get a cheap car battery and even examine the battery before payment.
3. Online Vendors
It's no news that everything sellable is now being sold online. A quick search on Google would bring up a list of different online vendors that sell used parts. Unfortunately, the tedious part of this method is that you might need to do some serious research about who you are buying from, return or exchange policies in place, and the warranty options available. Caveat emptor, you know?
4. Request for it on Carpart.com.au
Of all the options, this is the most convenient and most effective. You get the highest quality used batteries in the shortest possible time without searching the web endlessly. Carpart.com.au is a platform that could access over 500 auto wreckers and online auto part vendors. The most appealing part is that using this part request tool is entirely free. Just fill a request form and wait for the best quote from sellers.
If You Sell An Old Car Battery, How Much Do You Get For It?
Maybe you’ve got an old car battery to sell. There are various means to do that. You could sell to an auto repair shop, sell to a battery recycling company or, best of all, sell to an online vendor. Either way, how much you get depends on the condition of the battery. According to Gumtree, you are likely to earn around $30 to $100 for your old car battery. Should you decide to put your used car battery for sale, you are welcome to use the Carpart seller’s platform, too.
If you are looking for a second-hand car battery for sale, or any other kind of new or used parts, please don’t hesitate to visit Carpart.com.au. For more useful information and tips about cars, visit our blog today.
By Damilare Olasinde